function OptanonWrapper() { window.dataLayer.push( { event: 'OneTrustGroupsUpdated'} )}乐趣区:洛杉矶、迪士尼乐园和山脉|游览加州


在这个以乐趣为中心的南加州主题公园之旅中,跟你严肃的一面说再见吧, karaoke bars, comedy shows, and kitschy-cool destinations.

Start:Long Beach
End:Downtown Los Angeles
4 - 5Days,8Stops,268Miles
Long Beach
Huntington Beach
Newport Beach
Disneyland Resort
Big Bear Lake
Lake Arrowhead
San Bernardino
Downtown Los Angeles
Stop 1

Long Beach

301 E. Ocean Blvd, Suite 1900, Long Beach

从随和的长滩机场出发,出发探索 Long Beach这是一个港口城市,巨大的货船点缀在海湾上 Aquarium of the Pacific 激发了对海洋的敬畏,当地人喜欢悠闲的海滩氛围. Start with a Spanish latte at Rad Coffee这是一家拥有弹球机和滑板文化DNA的咖啡馆. Head over to Alamitos Bay to board one of Gondola Getaway’s Venetian-style gondolas. You’ll float along meandering canals, under five bridges, 当你的船夫用一只桨驾驶着你的平底船时,你会经过数百万美元的房子. Once you’re back on dry land, 开车几个街区到阿拉米托斯半岛的顶端,加入人群 Ballast Point Brewing. 浸泡在蓝水的景色和葡萄柚雕刻ipa, 然后点一份炸鱼玉米饼,一直呆到太阳落山. 

Stop 2

Huntington Beach

325 Highway 1, Huntington Beach

Launch your surfboard into the waves at Huntington Beach-又名美国冲浪城-或者只是扑通一声坐在亨廷顿码头旁的沙滩上,看专家们炫耀他们的东西. 这个小镇的生活围绕着以海滩为中心的乐趣:在铺好的海滨小路上踩着巡航自行车, sipping rummy cocktails at sea-view bars, 感受着沙滩上篝火的余辉. A visit to the International Surfing Museum 是必须的,再加上沿着亨廷顿的1850英尺长 pier, one of the West Coast’s longest. 到了晚上,和当地人一起去看喜剧表演 The Rec Room 笑到肚子疼,然后进入 Kimpton Shorebreak. Take advantage of the hotel’s firepits, s’mores kits, loaner boogie boards, 还有自行车——不要错过亚伦·张(Aaron Chang)迷人的海洋照片, which are displayed in an onsite gallery. 

Stop 3

Newport Beach


Cruise south along Highway 1 to Newport Beach它以游艇港而闻名,停泊着成千上万艘船. Rent an electric Duffy 参加纽波特湾的自助观光游船——不需要划船经验. If you’re craving a little exercise, 租一个站立式桨板,在港口平静的水面上划动你的路. 乘坐历史悠久的渡轮,感受当地文化 Balboa Island,然后品尝纽波特的经典夏日甜点:冷冻香蕉蘸巧克力. Give your credit cards a workout at Fashion Island这里有路易威登、内曼马库斯和其他令人垂涎的品牌,或者去那里 Lido Marina Village 浏览别致的精品店,在海滨餐厅用餐,比如 Malibu Farm and Circle Hook Fish Company.

Stop 4

Disneyland Resort

1313 Disneyland Drive, Anaheim

戴上你的米老鼠耳朵,准备好一天的童话般的小精灵 Anaheim’s No. 1 attraction—Disneyland. 不可能在一天之内领略所有的魔力, 但是要尽可能多地打包,早点开始,晚一点回来. 在白雪皑皑的马特洪峰上,坐着雪橇飞驰. 在加勒比海盗的水上之旅中与虚张声势的恶棍一起唱yo-ho-ho. 在鬼屋中与全息幽灵一起闲逛. 乘坐惊险刺激的太空山过山车穿梭于外太空. 在游乐设施的间隙,可以吃一些只有在迪士尼才能吃到的食物,比如米奇形状的煎饼和一个 turkey leg as big as your head. 当最后的烟火在睡美人城堡上空熄灭时,回到你的房间 Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel and Spa. 你会带着柴郡猫的微笑入睡. 

Stop 5

Big Bear Lake

40824 Big Bear Boulevard, Big Bear Lake

穿梭于南加州的山谷,欣赏松树点缀的山脉,驱车前往 Big Bear Lake’s alpine playground. 这个滑雪胜地在冬天玩得很开心,但在夏天,它的娱乐精神也很灿烂. 适合家庭游玩的景点包括矿坑过山车, a bobsled-style ride with hairpin turns, tunnels, bridges, and 360-degree corkscrews; and the Time Bandit pirate ship, 在湖上航行的小型西班牙大帆船. (当虚张声势的船员用老掉牙的海盗笑话逗你开心时,你会大声喊出几声yo-ho-hos.) Big Bear Village 是否方便散步、购物和用餐. Pick up mountain-themed souvenirs at Bear Essentials,浏览链锯雕刻的微笑熊 Kirby’s Custom Carvings, and end the day sipping craft beer at Big Bear Lake Brewing Company.

Stop 6

Lake Arrowhead

28200 Highway 189, Lake Arrowhead

Lake Arrowhead has elevation with benefits: At around 5,200 feet, 夏季气温比内陆山谷低20度, creating ideal weather for outdoor fun. 从比利时华夫饼(早午餐)或华夫饼薯条和三明治(午餐)开始 Belgian Waffle Works’ lakeside patio. 然后在箭头湖波光粼粼的湖水上滑水课 McKenzie Water Ski School. Head over to SkyPark at Santa’s Village, 全年提供高空滑索的游乐场, rock climbing, and mountain biking in the summer months. 日落时分,找张桌子吃鸡尾酒和汉堡 Lakefront Taproom or craft beers at Lake Arrowhead Brewing Company. Spend the night in a chalet at UCLA Lake Arrowhead Lodge, 哪家提供舒适的床和更多的娱乐方式:网球, volleyball, basketball, pickleball, plus a rock wall and a ropes course. 

Stop 7

San Bernardino

1398 North E St., San Bernardino

Head back downhill to San Bernardino and drive a stretch of historic Route 66. 在非正式场合重新发现20世纪的媚俗 McDonald’s Museum, 建于1940年理查德和莫里斯·麦当劳兄弟开第一家麦当劳的旧址上. 浏览满是开心乐园餐玩具的货架,你会看到麦当劳角色的复制品,比如汉堡窃贼和鬼脸. Then pop over to Mitla Café, a favorite Route 66 food stop since 1937. 问问他们的常客,他们会告诉你点芝士辣椒. 想要度过难忘的一夜,就睡在32英尺高的圆顶帐篷里 Wigwam Motel这里是66号公路上最引人注目的景点之一. 

Stop 8

Downtown Los Angeles

800 West Olympic Boulevard, Los Angeles

在你旅行的最后一天,全力以赴 Downtown Los Angeles. At L.A. Live, 和“魔术师”约翰逊的巨型雕像自拍, Kobe Bryant, and Wayne Gretzky outside Arena. Take a drum lesson from Ringo at the Grammy Museum.Bowl a few frames at Lucky Strike. Sip a martini at Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse. Listen to edgy live music at The Novo or belt out karaoke at the Egyptian-themed Shrine Room. 让bbin游戏官网举杯,为天使之城干杯 Broken Shaker, the rooftop pool bar atop Freehand LA. When your adrenaline finally wanes, 在Freehand时尚的共享住宿酒店里慢慢入睡,梦想着你的下一次南加州之旅. 

Road Trip Snapshot

了解更多关于这个公路旅行的惊人地点. Ready to plan your trip? 打印行程或地图你的冒险开始.

Stop 1Long Beach
301 E. Ocean Blvd, Suite 1900, Long Beach
Stop 2Huntington Beach
325 Highway 1, Huntington Beach
Stop 3Newport Beach
Stop 4Disneyland Resort
1313 Disneyland Drive, Anaheim
Stop 5Big Bear Lake
40824 Big Bear Boulevard, Big Bear Lake
Stop 6Lake Arrowhead
28200 Highway 189, Lake Arrowhead
Stop 7San Bernardino
1398 North E St., San Bernardino
Stop 8Downtown Los Angeles
800 West Olympic Boulevard, Los Angeles

Car & RV Rentals

Trusted car & 房车租赁公司让你的旅行更容易

Avis Rent a Car
Enterprise Rent a Car
Hertz Rent a Car
Budget Rent a Car
Payless Car Rental
Zip Car
Fox Rent a Car
Sixt Rent a Car
Advantage OPCP
Silver Car
E-Z Rent a car
Midway Car Rental
Mex Rent a Car
United Auto Rental
Auto Distributors
Cruise America
El Monte RV

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